Dr. Alexandra David
Publikationen (chronologisch)
Jahr | Titel / Zitation | Dokumententyp | Links / Downloads |
2024 | 2024: A gender-specific view on entrepreneurial recovery - effects on and responses of micro-entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic in GermanyZitation: Terstriep, J., Schäfer, S., David, A., et al. (2024): A gender-specific view on entrepreneurial recovery - effects on and responses of micro-entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Gender in Management, ahead-of-print No. https://doi.org/10.1108/GM-08-2023-0300 | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: Against all odds - migrant entrepreneurs in entrepreneurial ecosystems with constraintsZitation: David, A. & Terstriep, J. (2024): Against all odds - migrant entrepreneurs in entrepreneurial ecosystems with constraints. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, ahead-of-print Vol. (ahead-of-print No.). https://doi.org/10.1108/JEC-03-2024-0052 | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: An Intersectional Perspective on the Entrepreneurial Intention of Female Ukrainian Migrants and RefugeesZitation: Maj, J., Hamza-Orlinska, A., David, A., Filipowicz, M. & Kubieciel-Lodzinska, S. (2024): An Intersectional Perspective on the Entrepreneurial Intention of Female Ukrainian Migrants and Refugees (forthcoming). International Entrepreneurship Review. | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: An intersectional perspective on the impacts and responses of entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic in GermanyZitation: David, A., Terstriep, J., Schäfer, S. & Schmidt, A.G. (2024, 05.Juni). An intersectional perspective on the impacts and responses of entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. https://doi.org/10.1177/14657503241258933 | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: Bridging in the Gap Transnationally - Coupling Migrants’ Informal and Formal Business Activities Through Hybrid Business ModelsZitation: David, A., Terstriep, J. & Elo, M. (2024): Bridging in the Gap Transnationally - Coupling Migrants’ Informal and Formal Business Activities Through Hybrid Business Models. Thunderbird International Business Review, 2024, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1002/tie.22391 | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: Does context matter? - Toward a supportive entrpreneurial ecosystem for refugee entrepreneurshipZitation: Terstriep, J., David, A. & Richey, M. (2024): Does context matter? - Toward a supportive entrpreneurial ecosystem for refugee entrepreneurship (forthcoming). In Ranabahu, N., de Vries, H.P. & Hamilton, R.T. (eds.), Refugee Entrepreneurship - A Research Companion . : Routledge Research Companions in Business and Economics. | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: Migrant:innenökonomie in der Stadt Essen. Ergebnisbericht des Projekts "MIRAN" im Auftrag der Stadt EssenZitation: David, A., Terstriep, J. & Sänger, R. (2024): Migrant:innenökonomie in der Stadt Essen. Ergebnisbericht des Projekts "MIRAN" im Auftrag der Stadt Essen. , 1-73. Institut Arbeit und Technik, Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen. | Dokumententyp: Bericht/Report | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: Much ado about refugee entrepreneurship? Refugees vs. economic migrants' entrepreneurial intention in Poland.Zitation: David, A., Maj, J., Filipowicz, M., Terstriep, J. & Kubiciel-Lodzińska, S. (2024): Much ado about refugee entrepreneurship? Refugees vs. economic migrants' entrepreneurial intention in Poland. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 12 (3), 25-40. https://doi.org/10.15678/EBER.2024.120302 | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: Power Relations and Migrant Entrepreneurs in Local Ecosystems - A German ExampleZitation: David, A., Terstriep, J. & Zaghow, L. (2024): Power Relations and Migrant Entrepreneurs in Local Ecosystems - A German Example. In Glinka, B. & Freiling, J. (eds.), Handbook on Migrant Entrepreneurship (275-296). : De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111025520-014 | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: The Inclusivity Tax for Migrant EntrepreneursZitation: David, A., Terstriep, J. & Zohaib, L. (2024): The Inclusivity Tax for Migrant Entrepreneurs. In K. Mikkelsen & A. Wolf, Minds, Brains, and Doxa for Inclusive Entrepreneurship (133-153). Berlin: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-50164-7_10 | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: Too robust to fail: (international) entrepreneurial resilience as coping mechanisms in crisis for SMEsZitation: Terstriep, J., David, A., Rosenberger, T., & Zaghow, L. (2024): Too robust to fail: (international) entrepreneurial resilience as coping mechanisms in crisis for SMEs (in press). European Journal of International Management. https://doi.org/10.1504/EJIM.2024.10065839 | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2024 | 2024: What is refugee entrepreneurship? - Reflections for a growing fieldZitation: David, A. & Zaghow, L.R. (2024): What is refugee entrepreneurship? - Reflections for a growing field (forthcoming). In Ranabahu, N., de Vries, H.P. & Hamilton, R.T. (eds.), Refugee Entrepreneurship - A Research Companion. : Routledge Research Companions in Business and Economics. | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2023 | 2023: "Unternehmertum kennt keine Grenzen". Potenziale von Migrantinnen und Migranten für die UnternehmensnachfolgeZitation: David, A. & Terstriep, J. (2023): "Unternehmertum kennt keine Grenzen". Potenziale von Migrantinnen und Migranten für die Unternehmensnachfolge. RKW Magazin. Gesucht - Gefunden: Schwerpunkt Unternehmensnachfolge, 2023 (1), 47-49. | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2023 | 2023: A Participatory Approach to Improve Measures of Labour Market Integration of RefugeesZitation: David, A., Terstriep, J. & Steinberg, S. (2023): A Participatory Approach to Improve Measures of Labour Market Integration of Refugees. International Journal of Action Research (IJAR), 19 (3), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.3224/ijar.vXiX.319290 | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2023 | 2023: How to attract migrant entrepreneurs to peripheral regions? Evidence from Poland.Zitation: Kubiciel-Lodzińska, S., Maj, J. & David, A. (2023): How to attract migrant entrepreneurs to peripheral regions? Evidence from Poland. International Entrepreneurship Review, 9 (1), 27-41. https://doi.org/10.15678/IER.2023.0901.03 | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2023 | 2023: Opting for migration: is it just an economic necessity? A comparison between German and Polish highly skilled graduatesZitation: David A. & Barwińska-Małajowicz, A. (2023): Opting for migration: is it just an economic necessity? A comparison between German and Polish highly skilled graduates. Journal of education and training studies, 3 (2), 114-125. | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2023 | 2023: Riding the Wave – Resilient Polish Migrant Entrepreneurs Navigating through Brexit and Covid-19 in the UKZitation: David, A., Terstriep, J. & Zbierowski, P. (2023): Riding the Wave – Resilient Polish Migrant Entrepreneurs Navigating through Brexit and Covid-19 in the UK . In Sternberg, R., Amoros, E., Elo, M. & Levie, J. (eds.), Research Handbook on Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurship (220-245). : Edward Elgar Publishing . https://doi.org/10.4337/9781788118699.00021 | Dokumententyp: Beitrag in | Links / Downloads: |
2023 | 2023: The Role of Embeddedness of Migrant Start-ups in Local Entrepreneurship Ecosystems during the COVID-19 CrisisZitation: Terstriep, J., David, A., Ruthemeier, A. & Elo, M. (2023): The Role of Embeddedness of Migrant Start-ups in Local Entrepreneurship Ecosystems during the COVID-19 Crisis. Journal of Comparative International Management (JCIM) , 26 (1), 1-34. https://doi.org/10.55482/jcim.2023.33532 | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2023 | 2023: Transformational Hubs for Recognised Refugees – Policy Recommendations by the Enter to Transform Project. Gelsenkirchen: Institute for Work and TechnologyZitation: David, A. & Terstriep, J. (2023): Transformational Hubs for Recognised Refugees – Policy Recommendations by the Enter to Transform Project. Gelsenkirchen: Institute for Work and Technology. , 6. Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. https://doi.org/10.53190/inno/202301 | Dokumententyp: Bericht/Report | Links / Downloads: |
2023 | 2023: Und wo bleibt der Kontext? Unternehmerische Ökosysteme als Umfeld des Unternehmertums von GeflüchtetenZitation: Terstriep, J. & David, A. (2023): Und wo bleibt der Kontext? Unternehmerische Ökosysteme als Umfeld des Unternehmertums von Geflüchteten. Forschung Aktuell, 2023 (06). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik, Westfälische Hochschule Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen. https://doi.org/10.53190/fa/202306 | Dokumententyp: Internetdokument | Links / Downloads: |
2023 | 2023: Where do we go from here? The EU migration flow after the Brexit referendum: possible future scenarios by the Polish exampleZitation: David, A. & Barwinska-Malajowicz, A. (2023): Where do we go from here? The EU migration flow after the Brexit referendum: possible future scenarios by the Polish example. Journal of globalization studies, 9 (2), 3-17. https://doi.org/10.30884/jogs | Dokumententyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Links / Downloads: |
2022 | 2022: Hello Europe, Ashoka (2022). Transforming the field of migration through collaborative framework - Recommendations towards a connected and resilient migrant workforce and entrepreneurship ecosystem in EuropeZitation: Contributors: David, A. & Terstriep, J. (2022): Hello Europe, Ashoka (2022). Transforming the field of migration through collaborative framework - Recommendations towards a connected and resilient migrant workforce and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Europe. | Dokumententyp: Internetdokument | Links / Downloads: |
2022 | 2022: Manifesto "Reframing Multicultural and Migrant Entrepreneurship"Zitation: David, A., Terstriep, J., Alvarez Monge, A. M. & Boga, N. (2022): Manifesto "Reframing Multicultural and Migrant Entrepreneurship". | Dokumententyp: Internetdokument | Links / Downloads: |
2022 | 2022: Migrantisches Unternehmer:innentum in Deutschland. Vorschlag einer DifferenzierungZitation: David, A., Terstriep, J., Stoewe, K., Ruthemeier, A., Elo, M. & Schmidt, A. G. (2022): Migrantisches Unternehmer:innentum in Deutschland. Vorschlag einer Differenzierung. Diskussionspapier der Bertelsmann Stiftung. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. https://doi.org/10.11586/2022002 | Dokumententyp: Bericht/Report | Links / Downloads: |
2022 | 2022: Möglichkeiten der Einflussnahme migrantischer Unternehmer:innen in der lokalen Wirtschaft: Wissen, Sprache & ZugehörigkeitZitation: David, A., Siegel, J., Geme, Y. & Rosenberger, T. (2022): Möglichkeiten der Einflussnahme migrantischer Unternehmer:innen in der lokalen Wirtschaft: Wissen, Sprache & Zugehörigkeit. Forschung Aktuell, 2022 (02). Gelsenkirchen: Institut Arbeit und Technik. | Dokumententyp: Internetdokument | Links / Downloads: |