


Based on a broad understanding of innovation, which focuses on the interplay of social, technological and sustainable innovation dynamics, our research work focuses on the social added value of new solutions. In doing so, we consider the transformative, systemic character of innovations and thus tie in with the goals for sustainable development and the mission orientation of research and innovation policy. Our research contributes both to the theoretical debate on different forms and dynamics of innovation and to the concrete promotion of innovation on the ground. In doing so, we focus on the many innovation actors from civil society, science, the private and public sectors. A central component of our work is recording innovations and measuring their impact from an organizational, regional and societal perspective.

Projects on the topic

Grafik, die die teilnehmenden Standorte und Themen des Projektes darstellt

Engaging entrepreneurial ecosystems for the youth

The Ecosys4you project is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon programme. The project partnership is committed to improve the flow of innovation resources between entrepreneurial ecosystems of the regions Ruhr in Germany, Varna in Bulgaria, and Maribor in Slovenia. It develops an entrepreneurial education programme by establishing innovative interlinkages between the actors of the entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Further projects on the topic