Dr. Judith Terstriep

Here you see the publications in English. For a result list of all publications click here

Journal and newspaper articles

YearTitle / CitationDocument typeLinks / Downloads


Against all odds - migrant entrepreneurs in entrepreneurial ecosystems with constraints


David, A. & Terstriep, J. (2024): Against all odds - migrant entrepreneurs in entrepreneurial ecosystems with constraints. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, ahead-of-print Vol. (ahead-of-print No.). https://doi.org/10.1108/JEC-03-2024-0052

Document type:  

Journal article

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Lifelong learning and new working environments - strategies for companies in the 21st century


Engert, S., Hamburg, I., Lindecke, C. & Terstriep, J. (2009): Lifelong learning and new working environments - strategies for companies in the 21st century. Annals of the University of Craiova, 6 (33) (2), 12-23.

Document type:  

Journal article

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