Regionalisation: theory, practice and prospects in Germany
Regionalisation: theory, practice and prospects in Germany. Stockholm: SIR. ISBN 91-38-31695-1
Benz, Arthur / Fürst, Dietrich / Kilper, Heiderose / Rehfeld, Dieter

SIR's Preface
The Swedish Institute for Regional Research (SIR) is a national authority under the Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications. SIR's task is to initiate, co-ordinate, and undertake research on regional issues. SIR accomplishes inter-disciplinary research within the frames of its research programmes. Integral to all our work is a dialogue between researchers and research users. S1R wants to be the leading nexus of knowledge for regional issues in Sweden.
This book is written by a German research team and analyses political regionalisation in Germany. lt stands out from the mainstream research in the field by deviating from the usually narrow focus on changes in the importance of the regional tier of government. Instead regionalisation is understood as a broader political development that involves a multituide of both public and private actors, which pool iheir resources for problem solving within a certain area.
The publication of our German colleagues' work in SIR's book series is the result of several years' contact between the Swedish Institute for Regional Research and the Institute for Work and Technology in North-Rhine Westphalia. We are proud to present this volume, which in many ways represents a novel approach to regionalisation, to readers in Sweden , Scandinavia and beyond.
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